Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

I love Joss Whedon.  As should everyone.  He has yet another amazing idea/show that he made.  It's called Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog.  What is fantastic about this project is that he is posting the whole thing online for free before he sells it on DVD.  This online musical stars Neil Patrick Harris (who steals every scene in HIMYM),  Nathan Fillion (a Joss Whedon favorite from Buffy and Firefly), and Felicia Day (don't know her as much, but she was on Buffy).  It's the story of a lowly supervillain (Harris), the hero who harasses him (Fillion), and the girl he's afraid to talk to (Day).   The teaser trailer is more awesome than anyone could expect.  The musical is going to premier in three parts.

ACT ONE (Wheee!) will go up Tuesday July 15
ACT TWO (OMG!) will go up Thursday July 17
ACT THREE (Denouement!) will go up Saturday July 19

All of these episodes will be online until midnight July 20.  Then it will be available for downloading (small fee) shortly thereafter with a DVD "with the finest and bravest extras in all the land".  For updates about the whole thing go here.  I'm going to be on vacation this week...but I may have to hunt down an internet connection just for this.

Terminator 4 Casting

So it seems, according to Empire, it's possible that Helena Bonham Carter could be in the new Terminator 4 movie.  I love her.  She can do crazy well (see HP Order of Pheonix or Sweeney Todd) and she can do loving (see Charlie & Chocolate Factory or Wallace & Gromit).  I'm interested in seeing what kind of character she would do in this movie.  I'm excited about this movie, even though I haven't seen the third one because the whole series seems to be in a remake mode.  There's the new Sarah Connor Chronicles tv series, which I love (yay for Summer Glau being back on TV), and this new movie has Christian Bale as John Connor.  I'm pretty sure that won't be a mistake; anyone would follow him in an apocalypse.  

Monday, June 30, 2008

WALL*E vs. Wanted

Vs.  So Disney/Pixar's WALL*E beat out Angelina Jolie's "Wanted" over the weekend.  Not that I'm surprised or anything, because let's face it, Pixar can do no wrong.  Now I did see both movies this weekend, but I'll admit I saw WALL*E first on Friday.  It was everything a good Pixar movie should be, with the added element of a scathing but cleverly presented social criticism about our laziness with regards to environmental conservation.  I'm pretty sure it was a slap in the face, but since it was done with a cute little robot, it appears that no one seemed to mind.  I also really enjoyed that they used the actual movie clip from the classic "Hello Dolly."  Inspiring choice.  Now as much as WALL*E is different than "Wanted", I liked them both for their respective genres.  I must admit that I mostly wanted to see "Wanted" for James McAvoy.  I mean, come on.  The guy is hot, and he has been for a while.  I was really anxious to see how he would perform as an "unlikely action star" along the same lines as Matt Damon in the Bourne series.  Watching this movie, you could definitely tell it was, stylistically, based off of a graphic novel series (Mark Miller and J.G. Jones) though it seems the storyline is only loosely based on the series.  I really enjoyed watching this movie.  I like the effects shots and the action sequences were amazing.  I'm fairly sure the stunt of James McAvoy being scooped up by a moving car is going to be one of my all-time favorite stunts (occurs about min 2:45 in this clip).  Both movies rock, just pick the one you're in the mood for.

Quantum of Solace Teaser

Holy cow!   There is finally a teaser trailer for the new Bond film and it's freakin awesome.  Like we didn't need another reason to be excited about the second installment of this revitalized franchise.  You should watch now regardless of what you think of Bond.  The next thing to look forward to is a proper trailer that does more than "tease" us for an annoyingly short minute and a half.  

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

New Pictures from HBP

There are new movie stills from Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.  While some of these images have been floating around the internet in less than high quality, filmonic.com has some nice versions they just poster here.  Three of the pictures are of the trio, while the fourth picture is of two characters from the Slytherin House.  

Kung Fu Panda

"Find your courage, find your skill, and never lose your appetite"

This is hands down the movie to see this weekend.  Assuming you've already seen Indy IV and are tired of hearing about Sex and the City, Kung Fu Panda is a breath of fresh air, Chinese-take-out style.  This charming Dreamworks picture features an all-star cast of Jack Black, Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie, Jackie Chan, Seth Rogen and Lucy Liu among others.  I think Jack Black will do a phenomenal job and who can resist him when he shows up to the Cannes festival with about 50 giant pandas.  I'm also looking forward to the performances of actual martial artists, even though it's only their voices.  It adds some sort of strange validity to the story somehow.  To see an actual trailer, go here; for an awesome clip about dumplings, go here.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Angels and Demons Movie

This is slightly old news (about a month), but I'm very excited that Ewan McGregor (Moulin Rouge, Star Wars) has been cast as Camerlengo Carlo Ventresca in Dan Brown's Angels and Demons.  This particular book was the prequel, and in my opinion better story, to the very controversial The DaVinci Code.  For those who know me, you know that I have loved Ewan McGregor ever since hearing him sing in Moulin Rouge.  I am actually excited about this movie now because I think he will do an amazing job with such an interesting character, provided we don't get distracted by Tom Hanks creepy hairdo.